ROGO stands for Rate of Growth Ordinance. It was set in place to limit overdevelopment of the Florida Keys and allow for all residents to be able to evacuate in 24 hours.
You may find more information on ROGO here at the Monroe County Website. Monroe County has one of the best websites I've been across for a government website. EVERYTHING is there. The issue is there is SOOOOO much information getting through it is daunting.
A ROGO permit allows you to build a home on a lot. Only 7 permits are allocated each quarter and Monroe County will stop issuing permits in 2026. There are currently 42 people on the list for permit. In short, if you don't get a permit to build after 2026 you are SOL and will not be allowed to build.. ever.
The permits are awarded based on the highest number of points. You get a set number of points based on your lot location and infrastructure. You can 'buy' points by donating a lot to the county or gain points by incorporating green building in the design of your home (ductless AC, grey water recycling, solar, green building certification).
To understand how many 'baseline' point a lot has, you can reach out to us and we can help you.